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Claw Dawg Crayfish fly pattern by Kyle Glass at Trout Trap Flies
Olive Claw Dawg Crayfish Fly by Kyle Glass at Trout Trap Flies
Rust Claw Dawg Crayfish Fly by Kyle Glass at Trout Trap Flies
Black Claw Dawg Crayfish Fly by Kyle Glass, Trout Trap Flies
Pale Olive Crayfish Fly - Claw Dawg by Kyle Glass at Trout Trap Flies

Claw Dawg - Balanced Crayfish Fly (3-Pack)

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Tungsten Balanced Crayfish Fly- size 10 hook

The Claw Dawg is the creation of my friend and fellow tyer Andrew Jorgensen. 

This Crayfish fly pattern incorporates the key features and materials that make the “Pat’s Rubberlegs” one of the most successful flies for trout ever created. The floss legs have a very buggy wiggle and the chenille body gives a spiky, lifelike profile when it’s wet. The claws pulse on the strip and flutter helplessly when the fly is at rest. If suspended, the claw dawg will balance under an indicator. The fly is very effective when fished in short bursts or twitches, on or just off the bottom. The large tungsten bead punches this fly to the bottom very quickly. This aggressive falling action triggers a lot of strikes from fish. 

One of my favorite things about the claw dawg is it’s versatility. Trout, bass, carp, panfish, all love to eat small crayfish. Its equally comfortable in rivers or lakes, fished euro style as an anchor fly, twitched under a bobber, or stripped fast on a full sinking line. You can easily cast it on small fly rods. I’m sure it will also crush in the winter, fished through the ice.